Saturday, January 29, 2011


This unique marine antioxidant can help prevent diabetes and fight fat gain.

Your article is written by Cassandra PHD, RD, CSCS

Astaxanthin - although it sounds like one of those molecules in your chemistry class that haunted you while studying for final exams, it’s actually a very powerful antioxidant with several health-promoting properties.
One health benefit in particular is its ability to protect your body against diabetes. It does this by fighting oxidative stress and preventing insulin resistance – two of the underlying causes of this common disease.Check it out Here!

Oxidative De-Stressing

Oxidative stress refers to oxidative damage in a cell, tissue or organ, caused by Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), which are unstable free radical molecules containing oxygen that steal electrons from other molecules. This then makes the newly damaged molecule another free radical.
ROS are often dangerous because they’re linked to many negative effects in the body such as increased inflammation, permanent cell damage and even cell death.Antioxidants come to our rescue against ROS because they stabilize the free radical molecule and prevent it from causing any destruction.
Diabetes and Oxidative Stress
Diabetes is strongly linked to oxidative stress as either a consequence of increased ROS production, reduced antioxidant status, or both.
Oxidative stress in diabetes is brought on by consistent hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels) from a very high carbohydrate diet, reduced cell carbohydrate uptake, and/or low insulin output from the pancreas.
People who have pre-diabetes, or full diabetes, are wise to follow a diet much lower in carbohydrate than they usually eat, and increasing their physical activity. These changes will help reduce blood sugar concentrations and in turn, reduce levels of oxidative stress.
However, these changes take time and a lot of discipline (especially if you’re a carbohydrate addict). Thankfully there are ways to reduce oxidative stress until these beneficial changes have become new, good habits.
Astaxanthin Reduces ROS and Improves Immunity
Japanese researchers found that astaxanthin could lessen oxidative stress in pancreatic beta cells (the cells in your body that produce insulin) caused by chronic high blood sugar levels. In turn, this improves the body’s ability to manage blood glucose levels by allowing the pancreatic cells to make the right amount of insulin when needed.Check it out Here!
Astaxanthin was found to improve pancreatic beta cell function and protect these cells from glucose toxicity which leads to progressive cell breakdown and death (Uchiyama K et al, 2007). It did this by battling the damaging ROS molecules through increased antioxidant levels (via astaxanthin).
Another group of researchers also found that astaxanthin treatment improved immunoprotective properties of lymphocytes (special white blood cells that are part of a normal immune response) (Otton R, 2010).
In diabetes there is a strong correlation between oxidative stress and poor immune function. Astaxanthin helped the lymphocytes do their job more effectively and fight off foreign objects such as bacteria, viruses, and pathogen-infected cells so that persons with diabetes would not be sick as often.
Prevention of Fat Gain
Recently, a group of researchers from India (Bhuvaneswari S et al, 2010) showed that increased blood glucose and excessive insulin levels brought on by a high processed fat and high sugar diet could be deterred with astaxanthin treatment.
What this means is that astaxanthin prevents insulin resistance and improves glucose handling. As a result of this, a long term high processed fat and sugar diet was not able to cause a significant increase in body fat, fatty liver, or suppress immunity.
Although this is good news for those of us that may not always eat well every day, it definitely does not condone a constant diet rich in French fries, doughnuts, cookies, Pop Tarts or artificial Cheese Twists.

Where Do You Get Astaxanthin?
This brightly red-colored antioxidant is found in the lipid compartments of several species of microalgae that feed the millions of crustaceans and fish found in our oceans. Astaxanthin is one of the major reasons salmon is tinted pink and krill are deep red. The krill eat these microalgae first and accumulate them in a greater concentration than the salmon who eat fish who eat the krill.
Your best source of astaxanthin is therefore high healthy fat, red-colored marine animals such as krill and salmon. EFA icon is one of the most concentrated sources of astaxanthan.

Stop Diabetes Now

According to our most recent statistics from 2007, 57 million people have pre-diabetes, and 23.6 million children and adults have full-blown diabetes; don’t let yourself become the next statistic.In order to help protect your body against the development of diabetes, which is a disease that affects more people in the US than need be, make sure you’re including astaxanthin in your diet and keeping sugar and processed fat low. Check it out Here!

ReferencesUchiyama, K., Naito, Y., Hasegawa, G., Nakamura, N. et al., Astaxanthin protects b-cells against glucose toxicity in diabetic db/db mice. Redox Rep. 2002, 7, 290–293.Otton, R., Marin, D. P., Bolin, A. P., Santos, R. D. et al., Astaxanthin ameliorates the redox imbalance in lymphocytes of experimental diabetic rats. Chem. Biol. Interact. 2010, 186, 306–315.Bhuvaneswari, S., Arunkumar, E., Viswanathan, P., Anuradha, C. V., Astaxanthin restricts weight gain, promotes insulin sensitivity and curtails fatty liver disease in mice fed an obesity-promoting diet. Process Biochem. 2010, 45, 1406–1414.

Enjoy Your Stay.

Bernard C Gakwe.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Weird Fat Loss Tips, Healthy Diet Tricks to Lose Belly Fat

Innovative tips to help define your six pack abs, lose body fat, build muscle, and live a healthier lifestyle. I'll even cover controversial topics that mainstream health professionals are afraid to tell you such certain saturated fats can actually be good for you, and how long duration cardio exercise can actually be bad for you!Check it out Here!

Study shows how sniffing scents can help weight loss
I just saw this cool article from my colleague Jeff Anderson this morning, and I had to share it with you...It outlines an eye-opening (and weird) study that took place in 1999 that shows how certain smells can actually HELP your weight loss efforts... very interesting stuff!Read below...The Fat-Burning "Sniff Trick"by Jeff AndersonDo you realize that if you were blindfolded and plugged your nose that you couldn't tell if you were eating an apple or an onion?It's true! You can even test it yourself!You see, our olfactory sense (brainiac translation = "our sense of smell") is directly tied in with our brain's perception of what we eat, and as recent research has MUCH we eat!Here's why it's important and how it can help YOU shave off inches over the next month and even ultimately reach your fat burning goal:Check it out Here!Scientific breakthrough "tricks" your body for faster fat burning...A 1999 project conducted two randomized, double-blind studies consisting of over 3,000 subjects who had at least 10 lbs to lose.In addition, 3/4 of the subjects also were psychologically affected by their weight, claiming:* Impaired sex life* Bad feelings about overeating* Lack of energy, and* Poor self-imageEach test subject was directed to NOT make any changes to their diet or exercise program except for one thing:One test group was directed to sniff a specific aroma prior to eating their meals and whenever they felt hungry.Specifically, here's what they smelled:Month 1 and 4: PeppermintMonth 2 and 5: BananaMonth 3 and 6: Green AppleThe other group (the "control" group) was given a placebo inhalent that simply smelled like detergent.At the end of the study, the subjects who were given the "smelly" inhalents reported:* 50% decrease in food cravings* Decreased appetite* No nagging hunger pains* Much less "snacking"And get this...* 497% more weight loss!(the food aromas group lost 19.15 lbs average vs. only 3.85 lbs in the placebo group)Here's why it works...One of the factors that tells your brain that you're "full" is your sense of smell as you bring food up to your mouth to eat.Literally, after your brain senses it's "smelled enough", it tells your body you're full and it's time to stop eating.By smelling the three aromas, you're able to "trick" the body into eating less and therefore consuming less calories (and you know what THAT means, right... faster weight loss!)Now, here's what you need to do to use this weight loss trick...1. Find yourself 3 different essential oils (even candles will work if you can find them) that match the 3 used in the study:* Peppermint* Banana* Green Apple(I found $2 "tester" vials online for these 3 scents.)2. Use each scent for one month and then switch.(I don't know why this is important but it's how they conducted the study so I'm sure there's a reason. Why fix what isn't broke? ;-)3. Keep the scent handy throughout the day and sniff it in the following instances:* 5 minutes prior to your "main" meals* 5 minutes prior to any planned snacks* Any time you feel feel hungry4. To "sniff properly" (I know...sounds strange, right?), plug up one nostril and sniff the scent 3 times through the other and then switch.Do this 3 times for each side (total of 18 sniffs) at the designated times.Enjoy your new found weight loss results, appetite control, and less cravings!Check it out Here!

Enjoy your stay.
Bernard C Gakwe (

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Good Carbs vs Bad Carbs, Low & Others...

My Take on Good Carbs, Bad Carbs, Low Carbs, and all of the Carb BS
by a Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer whose identity rings bell in the fittness industry and the internet communityCheck it out Here!
With so much talk, confusion, and controversy in recent years about "carbs", I wanted to give you my take on good carbs vs bad carbs, low carb, and all the other "carb confusion" out there. I'll also show you one of my favorite healthy carbohydrate choices.
First of all, although I'm not a "low carb" extremist, I do believe that one of the main reasons so many people struggle to ever lose any body fat is that they are overconsuming processed carbohydrates such as:
breads (even whole grain varieties are not ideal if you're looking to lose body fat)
It is extremely hard to lose body fat if you're overconsuming any of these types of carbohydrates (even if you workout very hard). In addition to causing wild blood sugar swings and insulin surges promoting direct body fat deposition, eating too many carbs also increases your appetite and cravings.
Note that I didn't include potatoes in the list of processed carbohydrates. Despite the trash talking they get from many fitness professionals, I thinkwhole potatoes(not fries or chips) are a nutrient-dense healthy food.Check it out Here!

Even carbohydrate sources that most people think are "healthy" really are just excess calories that don't really deliver a whole lot of nutrient density... and many types of breads and cereals pretend to be "whole grain" with clever marketing while in reality the first ingredient in them is refined flour, which is just going to shoot your blood sugar through the roof.
My take on it is that the majority of people struggling to lose body fat would do much better following these types of carb guidelines:
1. Reduce your grain-based carb products in the diet (cereal, pasta, rice, crackers, etc) and focus more of the diet on healthy grass-fed and/or free-range meats and eggs, grass-fed raw dairy, and TONS of vegetables and fruits.
2. Instead of the grains for most of the carbs, try getting most of your carbs from vegetables, sweet potatoes, and a variety of whole fruits and berries (NOT fruit juices, which remove the beneficial fiber as well as other essential parts of the fruit)
3. If you're going to get any grains at all, focus on the most nutrient dense and fibrous portions of the grain... the germ and bran... this means that the best parts are getting oat bran instead of oatmeal, and using rice bran and wheat germ (beware of gluten in wheat if you have any intolerance) by adding to your yogurt, cottage cheese, salads, soups, etc. This way you get all of the most beneficial nutritious parts of grains without all of the excess starches and calories.
For best results with grains, try to stick only to sprouted grain products if you're going to eat any grains at all.
4. To replace the void if you're used to consuming lots of bread, pasta, cereals, and other carb sources... try filling that void with more healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, avocados, nut butters as well as healthy proteins such as raw grass-fed dairy and meats, whole free-range organic eggs, etc. Healthy fats and proteins go a long way to satisfying your appetite, controlling proper hormone and blood sugar levels, and helping you to make real progress on fat loss.
With all of that said, here's one of my favorite carb sources that is high in fiber as well as tons of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants:
Sweet potatoes or yams
I always choose the orange varieties instead of the white varieties of sweet potatoes. One of the problems with sweet potatoes is the time it takes to bake a sweet potato for 1 to 1.5 hrs.
I cook my sweet potatoes in a different way that only takes 5 minutes and they come out delicious... and no, I would NEVER use a microwave (I'll talk more about why never to use a microwave to cook your foods in a future newsletter).Chect it out Here!
The easiest and quickest way I've found to cook up a sweet potato is to slice it up into thin slivers and put it into a pan that you can cover with a lid. I add a touch of butter, virgin coconut oil (beneficial medium chain triglycerides), and about 3-4 Tbsp of water and simmer with a covered lid for about 5 minutes.
When the sweet potatoes are soft, then add a little cinnamon and maybe a touch of the natural sweetener stevia (if you want a little more sweet flavor) and you're all set with a delicious healthy carb side dish to go with any meat dish. Add a side salad and you've got the perfect lean-body meal plan.

Enjoy your reading

PS. Do please remember to check out my other blog www.buttmakeover4elegantwomen

Bernard C Gakwe

Sunday, January 9, 2011


If you are having trouble with over-eating, keeping your portions under control, or with sugar cravings - then please read this whole email.I am about to show you a weird technique that clinical studies have shown increases the amount of fat you can lose by 146%, and more importantly ... this is over the long term.*And this is NOT about willpower, discipline, a fad d iet, or taking a bunch of worthless pills... (I have seen every scheme out there).You and I both know these are a waste of time and money. And you usually end up adding more fat to your body because you have totally messed up your metabolism...A fat loss tool that really works... check it out Here!Not only has this tool been proven to more than double your fat loss results*, it also makes a lot of sense.That's because instead of relying on magic or super-human feats of willpower, this actually makes it easier for you to make the right food choices. The technique is called medical hypnosis, and this specific program has been helping normal people just like you lose fat the right way for over 5 years...Before you scoff, let me assure you that this isn't new-age clap trap!Dr. Temes is on the Department of Psychiatry at the SUNY Health Science Center Medical School so everything she does is based on research and not "pop" psychology or mainstream hype. More importantly, this particular program is PROVEN to actually work.Independently tested to Work 92% of the TimeThis is the only hypnosis program independently tested to get results. The National Health & Wellness Club tested this program with 50 of their members, and 92% got results.This means that over 9 out of 10 people get results, compare this with any other fat loss program of any other kind and you simply will not see results like these.This is why it is the first pure hypnosis program I have ever recommended. How this program will help you get a lean body...Just by closing your eyes and relaxing for less than 20 minutes day, your brain will begin to absorb a new way of thinking about food and health.Because it is working at a deep level, It won't be about denying yourself; you just won't want what's bad for you in the first place... THIS IS KEY! After working in this field for over a decade, I've found that the biggest obstacle for most people is not lack of knowledge, but not being able to stick with their nutrition plan.And get this, you generally don't even think about it while it's working.Natalie Laevsky from Brooklyn, New York is an example. After using the CDs, here's what she had to say: "For three weeks, while listening to the CDs every day, I have lost 14 po unds without any increased effort. And this is after many years of struggling with weight and trying a lot of different programs and pills. I am so happy..."Notice how effortless this is for Natalie now. She is finally off of the fat loss roller coaster.It is your turn to finally take control and get a lean body forever... check it out Here!I want to be clear, this may not work for everyone (about one out of ten people will not get results). But if you are overweight and it has anything to do with overeating or not being able to resist the wrong foods... then giving this a try simply makes sense.Some other great things that will happen to you in just 20 relaxing minutes a day:
Cravings can be reduced instantaneously, allowing you to stop binging before you start
New neural pathways will be created that empower you to replace unhealthy eating habitswith healthy ones
Experience effortless motivation without relying on willpower
Your desire for sodas will be eliminated and replaced with a craving for WATER!
Pounds will melt away as you automatically eat the right foods and the right portions
Most people notice a dramatic change within just 21 days!
Less expensive than you would thinkSeeing Dr. Temes in person would cost you well over $ 300 per session. In this program you get seven powerful sessions. But because these are recorded, you will not pay anything close to $ 2,000.Because I believe in this program and because it is so important to your health that you are able to stop the dietary self-sabotage, we have negotiated a great way for you to try the program.The seven sessions on CD would normally cost you $ 119 (which I think is more than fair). But for my readers, The Hypnosis Network is going to add $ 75 worth of valuable bonuses and has cut the price to under $ 100. And because they are confident you are going to get results, they are going to let you try it for 30 days for just the cost of shipping. And they guarantee their program for a whole year.This means you can test what could be a life changing program at absolutely no risk to you.Why carry around those unwanted pounds when you can finally get rid of them so easily? You'll feel a lot better (both emotionally and physically), you'll live longer, and you'll look better than ever. Yes, I must tell you that the author of this article is a Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer—Mike Geary.To your new lean body and good health, P.S. Oh, I almost forgot to mention:
This program is "eating plan agnostic" - it works with any smart nutrition plan. Over 20% of the people on the program use it to stay on a plan given to them by a nutritionist or dietician. If you're currently using the nutrition plans from TruthAboutAbs or one of my favorites this program will help you stick to the plans without fail!
You can use this program in the privacy of your own home. Seven sessions that you can use over and over again.
This is the best time for you to save. These 7 sessions on CD cost $ 250 less than just ONE session with Dr. Temes in person.
And it helps to know the kind of feedback this program has been getting:
"After using the hypnosis CDs for 3 weeks I have lost 6 pounds. I am sleeping better and just feel better overall. I am paying more attention to my food choices, and to exactly how I am feeling, asking: 'Am I genuinely hungry? Or is it thirst, boredom, loneliness, etc.?' Mainly, I don't feel like I am on a 'DIET'..."Cindy MearsBrattleboro, Vermont * Kirsch, Irving (1996). Hypnotic enhancement of cognitive-behavioral wei ght loss treatments--Another meta-reanalysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64 (3), 517-519.In a meta-analysis, comparing the results of adding hypnosis to fatt loss treatment across multiple studies showed that adding hypnosis increased wei ght loss by an average of 97% during treatment, and even more importantly increased the effectiveness POST TREATMENT by over 146%. This shows that hypnosis works even better over time
Generally, overweight is a serious problem to the body and mind of an individual, please follow this link to learn more about fat loss products and programs, including fat loss hypnotherapycheck it out Here!

Enjoy your stay.
Bernard C Gakwe


2 Tips That Will Change Your Life (Seriously)
was just recently reminded of these 2 tips while reading a great book... Bill Phillips newest best-seller: which by the way, I just had the pleasure of meeting Bill in person a few weeks ago, and this book is actually about WAY more than just fitness or nutrition...actually 99% of the book is about transforming your entire being, your mind... your entire life. It's powerful stuff, and a great read.
Now I will say that I think most of us, already know these 2 tips below, but may not practice them as often as we should... and I know personally, I found this to be a great reminder of how powerful these are and how they can change your life.
1. In Chapter 8 in Bill's book, Transformation, he starts off this chapter with a shocking story about a man named Azim who tragically had his 20-year old son murdered by a teenage gang member 5 years prior. The story ends up a bit unfathomable to most of us, as it turns out that Azim actually forgave his sons killer, in what can only be considered one of the most courageous acts of compassion and forgiveness than most of us could ever even contemplate.
After all, how many of us walk around for years holding grudges with a friend or family member over something silly and stupid that means nothing in the big picture of our lives? However, this courageous father found it in his heart to forgive his sons murderer, the ultimate act of forgiveness.
For most of us, forgiveness will not be for such extreme events...instead, it will be for smaller things that we've been holding deep inside (bottled up inside, causing us hidden stress) against a particular person, maybe a sibling, a parent, a friend, or a spouse. But what we don't realize is that these bottled up grudges harm OUR health, and do very little to "punish" the other person.
Bill points out a great saying "Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for your enemy to die". Yes, you're harming yourself more than than the other person by holding onto resentment.
Another great saying to always keep in mind that will change the way you treat other people who may have hurt you: "To err is human; to forgive is divine".
Yes, we all make mistakes... and if you think back to the story about the father that forgave his sons killer... Was that teenage gang member really an evil person deep down to his soul? Or was he a victim of society, which led him into the gang lifestyle? There's always more to the story than what's on the surface.
The most important thing we need to realize is that holding onto anger, resentment, or grudges is scientifically proven to harm our health and make us die earlier. Bill points out a study in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health involving 2,755 people over 10 years. According to the study that Bill summarizes, "Those who repressed anger and held resentments were found to be twice as likely to die of a heart attack compared to people in the study who were able to process and let go of negative feelings."
Puts you in the spirit to forgive someone, doesn't it.
Another VERY important thing that Bill points out... Holding onto a grievance doesn't give you control over the offender, and it doesn't "punish" them; it gives THEM control over you, and punishes YOU, because you're the one holding onto the health-harming stress and lack of peace of mind.
A few more great lines I loved from this chapter in Bill's book:
"Forgiveness is not done out of weakness; it is an act of strength and courage."
"Forgiveness is something that happens inside of you. It doesn't mean you're saying what happened to cause a resentment wasn't wrong or that it didn't matter. It means... I choose to let go of this negative feeling towards the person whom I perceive has hurt me."
" long as any part of our mind or consciousness is engaged with unresolved feelings from the past it will require us to expend valuable energy on it."
" long as we hold onto a grievance, we are chained to the past situation and the offender."
"...granting someone true forgiveness is not based on any conditions. The forgiven don't have to deserve it or earn it. It's an act of grace and mercy on your part."
Just think... if we all kept these guidelines in the front of our minds daily, wouldn't the world be a MUCH better place, with less stress, fighting, hatred, resentment, and pent up anger? I sure think so.
2. This second tip is no less important than the first... and it is VERY powerful in helping you to live healthier and happier.
This is another important tip to living life to the fullest that I was reminded of when recently reading Bill's book. The story starts off with a day that Bill had the pleasure of meeting fitness icon Jack Lalanne and a reporter from USA Today interviewed them both.
One of the most important questions that the news reporter asked Jack in the interview was "What should people who want to live a healthy life do first thing in the morning?"
The reporter had been expecting a specific tip about exercise or nutrition first thing in the morning... but instead, Jack replied with an answer that carried some very powerful wisdom... he replied "A healthy person always starts by counting their blessings."
What Jack Lalanne understands, that so many people don't, is that gratitude affects not only the health of your mind, but that of your body and your entire well-being too.
I think one of the most important daily rituals that anybody can take up is to lie in bed for 1-2 more minutes after waking up in the morning... and consciously bring to mind all of the things in his/her life that they are thankful for. It's also important to write down what you are grateful for in your life.
I know that everybody has struggles, but everybody also has things that they should be grateful for. This one daily ritual can literally change the biochemistry of your body and mind to put you into a more energetic and "feel good" state about your life, and achieve more of your goals... check it out Here!

Don't believe me?
Well, according to Bill in Chapter 16 of the book, Dr. Robert Emmons, PhD, from the University of California Davis was involved in a large research project on gratitude, and here were some of his discoveries:
"Those who kept gratitude journals on a weekly basis exercised more often, felt better physically, and had a more positive mindset."
"Study participants who kept gratitude lists were found to be more likely to have made progress towards important personal goals (academic, interpersonal, and health-based) over a 2-month period."
"A daily gratitude intervention (taking time to focus on and write down things to be thankful for) produced higher levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, attentiveness, and energy."
"Those who participate in a daily gratitude exercise have lower levels of depression and stress and are more likely to offer emotional support to others and help them make it through their difficulties."
The bottom line... although you may have heard about practicing daily gratitude in the past, are you really doing it daily? If not, you're missing out on the health benefits, increased energy, better sleep and mood, goal achievements, and just living healthier and happier!
So there you go... I told you that these 2 tips today would be powerful in helping to improve your life!
If you haven't yet read Bill's book, Transformation, I'd highly recommend grabbing a few copies for yourself and for gifts for friends and family. The book started off a little slow, and I kept thinking to myself, "I know all of this already"... but then about halfway through, the chapters just kept getting more powerful, and I realized there were a lot of things I needed to be reminded about and start practicing more often.

Please share the gift of forgiveness and gratitude with your friends and family by clicking the link below for a healthy body this year 2011, It's such an important message to share with others, and benefits everyone. I think they will appreciate you sharing this article with them!check it out Here!
