5 Ways To Do It
By J o h n R o m a n i e l l o,
Firstly, thanks so much for reading this report.
I’ve got some really cool information to share with you, and I’m psyched to do so. In fact, I’m going to teach 5 very specific and very effective ways to FIX Slow Fat Loss. But you knew that…because that’s the title of this report.
Before we get in to that, though, I want you to get in the right mindset—an open mindset.
And to do that, I need you to place your trust in me.
For some people reading this, that’s not going to be hard; you may follow my blog, or may have read my stuff in Men’s Health, SHAPE, LiveStrong, Askmen or one of the other magazines I write for; and because those are trusted sources, you’re thinking, "okay, this guy’s legit, I have an open mind."
Maybe you’ve seen me presenting fitness information and discussing hormones and fat loss (more on this later) on a TV program, like Good Morning America; and again, you feel comfortable knowing that (outside of reality TV) you generally have to know what you’re talking about to appear on shows like that.
Roman has been seen in and on....
[ This is me establishing credibility. See? Now you have to trust me ;) ]
But for SOME of you…well, maybe you don’t know me that well. Or, perhaps you don’t know me at all.
If that’s the case, then you downloaded this report because another fitness professional told you it was full of pretty cool information (and trust me, it is). You trusted that person’s opinion, and that person trusts me.
And since I would never do anything to betray anyone’s trust, I am going to take good care of you and give you AWESOME information.
Now, just so you know bit more about me, I’ll give you the highlights: if you don’t yet know, my name is John Romaniello…but everyone calls me "Roman" (except my mom).
I’m trainer and strength coach living and working in New York City—probably one of the most demanding environments in the world. People here don’t just want results…they want them FAST. But they also want them to be safe.
So, to be successful here, that’s what I had to do: deliver safe, effective, RAPID results to the most fast-paced (and critical) city in the world.
Roman in NYC
I’ve been helping people FIX slow fat loss for about 10 years now, and I’d like to say I’ve gotten pretty darn good at it.
Like I said, I’ve been on TV talking about this stuff, written in magazines, all sorts of websites—and now I have this report for you, condensing a huge amount of this information in one place, so you can start getting some rapid results.
Okay—so, now we know each other! Or, at least, you know me.
And so, I need you to trust me. Which (despite the fact that we’ve now known each other like 7 minutes and we’re basically family) may be a tiny bit challenging at time.
And here’s why…
The following information is going to be a bit weird. Some will be a little bit "off." And to some of you, a bit of the information may sound downright WRONG.
It’s fairly simple: I’m going to help you FIX things you didn’t know were even BROKEN.
I know, I know—I’m getting all "guru" on you. But bear with me a second. You see, a lot of the reason you downloaded this report is because your fat loss HAS slowed; and chances are you’re not sure WHY it’s slowed.
Thankfully, that is exactly my area of expertise. I’m going to starkly illustrate why your fat loss has slowed; explain in perfect detail the FIVE BIGGEST things you didn’t even know where broken…and then I’m going to help you FIX them.
And while some of the below information may come off a bit strange, a lot of it is going to strike a deep chord with you.
That, this report going to resonate with a lot of the things you never realized you were thinking about fat loss.
So, as I said, what I need you to do is open your mind and to trust me; I just want you to be willing to listen and hear something new, and to forgive me in advance if I make fun of you or digress into a little foul language.
As you read this information, keep a few things in mind.
1. At some point or another, your fat loss progress slowed down—A LOT—despite what type of diet or training program you were on. Chances are it’s happened to you more than once… (If this hasn’t happened to you, you are either a cyborg, or the luckiest person every and the rest of us hate you!)
2. If that hadn’t happened to you, you wouldn’t have bothered downloading this report and reading the very words you’re reading right now. The fact that you are reading it means you’ve run into a wall at some point, and you’ve been frustrated as hell about it.
3. I have seen the above phenomenon occur with nearly every single one of the many hundreds of clients I’ve trained over the past 8 years. I’ve seen occur with my own body. And to be honest, it’s frustrated the hell out of me, too.
4. Based on that, we’ve been in the same boat. (Spiritual high five.) Check it out Here!
Okay, so now that you’ve got those facts in mind, I want you to get excited.
Get pumped up. Pace back and forth like athletes do before the big game.
Jump and down like you’re at a Bon Jovi concert.
Now THIS guy is excited about FIXING his fat loss. Woop!
But seriously, I’m just excited about this report—because you know all that stuff I just said about being able to meet your goals?
That’s what the information I’m about to give you is going to do.
Here’s how:
As I mentioned, I’ve been in that same position.
More importantly, I’ve worked hundreds if not thousands of clients who’ve all hit that same proverbial wall. And that might be the best thing of all.
Being able to analyze data from so many clients has allowed me to collect the information I’ve put into this report.
What it comes down to is this: in order to really FIX slow fat loss, you need to be able to identify what causes it.
And that’s what I’ve done.
Going past that, you have to know how to FIX those issues.
Yeah, I’ve done that, too.
It wasn’t easy, and it took a while, but I’ve narrowed it down to what I consider to be the five biggest, most common, most de-railing things that are responsible fat loss.
Said another way, I’ve made a list of the top five things that get in clients way (or allow people to get in their own way) when trying to lose fat
And, if identifying those issues didn’t make me awesome enough, I took it a step further and told you how to FIX them, too.
So basically, you owe me a high five.
Please Complete the Internet High Five Before Proceeding with the Document.
Thank you.
Your High Five Has Been Processed.
Okay, on to business!
Slow Fat Loss FIX Number 1 –
FIX Your Programming
This is something you probably don’t realize is broken. Broken programming is a problem for nearly every person I know whose fat loss has slowed.
And it sucks.
I mean this in the nicest way possible: you are probably not setting things up right for fat loss—and changing this this is one very real way to FIX slow fat loss.
I need to clarify and say that I don’t necessarily think your program sucks; there are a lot of great programs out there from a lot of really incredible coaches and trainers, and if used for the particular purpose for which they are intended, each of those programs can be exceptionally effective.
Having said that, not all programs are created equal, and not all programs are suitable to all goals. Check it out Here!
So it’s not your program—it’s your programming.
That is, the goal for which you are using a specific program, the aspects of it you’re changing, and the way in which you are altering your overall training to fit into that program.
Perhaps an analogy would help here…think of it this way:
Every single training program is like a tool in a toolbox.
Some tools are multi-functional—others are not. For example, a hammer has two functions: you can pound nails in, or pull nails out. A screwdriver can twist screws in or out.
On the other hand, a saw only has one function: it cuts things.
So if you needed to perform a specific task, you’d use the right tool. You wouldn’t try to cut wood with a hammer, or pound a nail with a saw. That would be stupid (but kinda funny to watch).
Looking at programming, that would sort of be like trying to pack on muscle by using a lot of cardio: a truly bad idea, and one that just isn’t going to work.
By and large, I think most people are smart enough and capable enough to avoid such an obvious mistake.
All right, that’s a not so hard…but what about something a bit less obvious?
For example, if you squint a bit, a screw kinda looks like a nail. If you try hard enough, and don’t know any better, you can certainly use a hammer to drive a screw into wood—it’s not optimal, but it can be done.
Who’d do that, though? It’s stupid. Well, that’s exactly what most people are doing in their fat loss programming, especially when it comes to trying to FIX slow fat loss..
Going briefly back to the tool comparison, when you begin a construction project, there are times where you need to hammer nails, and times where you need to turn screws. You can try to use the same tool for both jobs, but deep down you know that’s not the best way to go about it. If you try hard enough, it might work, but it’s going to take longer and might mess things up a bit.
In much the same vein, you have to switch programs—that is, switch fat loss tools—once you’re trying to FIX slow fat loss.
You see, as you get closer and closer your fat loss goal, you can’t just keep using the same program you used in the beginning. It’s not that that program isn’t good—it’s just not intended for such exacting work.
What you need is a fat loss program that is designed specifically for that purpose—designed with the not only the difficulty of losing those pounds in mind, but also designed to offset the physiological processes that create s l o w fat loss.
And until now, there haven’t been many such fat loss programs. (Final Phase Fat Loss changes all that. )
Now, you’ll have a new tool in your tool box—one designed specifically to FIX slow fat loss—by addressing fat loss on a HORMONAL level. (More on this later).
Adding this program into your overall programming is the best step you can make towards getting to where you want to go.Check it out Here!
Slow Fat Loss FIX Number 2 –
FIX Your "Cardio"
Cardio is a hot topic. A few years ago, it seemed like nearly every trainer in the world had made it his quest to tell everyone under the sun that "slow-go" or long-duration and moderate intensity cardiovascular was a waste of time, and that harder was smarter.
At that time, it seemed that High Intensity Interval Training—a protocol involving alternating short but intense periods of work with even short periods of rest—was the best option for cardio.
As it turns out, we were only half right.
More recently, we’re seeing an even better way emerge.
Supported by both research and empirical evidence, it seems that cardiovascular exercise done with weight is actually superior even to interval training. Now, that suits me just fine, because that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing with my clients for the past three years, and we’ve been seeing phenomenal results.
The cute industry buzzterm that’s being used a lot is "metabolic resistance training" or MRT. I’m not really in the mood to come up with my own cute buzzterm, so let’s stick with that.
Here are just a few reasons why metabolic resistance training is better than general cardio:
Higher caloric expenditure when compared minute to minute
Increased stimulation of muscle, helping to hold onto LBM when dieting
Increased Excess Post-exercises Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)
So, MRT is really just fast paced lifting, right? Kinda. The best way to do metabolic resistance training is to use non-competing circuits—that is, set up a circuit of exercises during which you alternate opposing muscle groups.
Examples would include doing a chest exercise followed by a back exercise, or alternating an upper body exercise with a lower body one, you allow the opposing muscle group to rest. By setting your workouts up like this, you can move faster, rest less frequently, and get a great total result.
The great thing about MRT is that it’s more of a concept than a protocol.
That is, it’s adjustable to nearly any type of training. You can get a great MRT workout with so many different pieces of equipment and styles of working out.
Kettlebells are a great tool for metabolic resistance training, and it’s easy to see how they’re great for fat loss. I won’t waste time writing about kettlebells because everyone else has been doing that for the
past year. I’ll just say that KBs make a great fat loss tool and lend themselves to MRT quite nicely.
Another great way to start using MRT is with dumbbell or barbell complexes, which are exercises circuits using minimum space and equipment.
With a complex, you transition smoothly from one exercise to another, never letting the barbell or dumbbells leave your hands. It’s fast-paced, effective, and brutal.
You can even do metabolic resistance training fat loss using just your bodyweight—something that’s been made clear by bodyweight training expert Craig Ballantyne.
Talk soon.
Enjoy your program
Bernard C. Gakwe
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